Antony & Cleopatra

"Callee Miles is brilliant. She has a dual role as Cleopatra and Octavia Caesar, playing both Marc Antony’s lover and his wife. She is commandingly sultry as the queen Cleopatra, given to vast mood swings that her court must accommodate...Miles is fully her own woman as the “single lady” Cleopatra. She brashly sits with legs wide open, draped in a creamy diaphanous skirt and strappy cropped tank top with an array of ever-changing gold jewelry that symbolizes her wealth and drapes across her cleavage for attention. She steals the show, the queen that she is, and she knows it."

Callee made her outdoor Shakespeare debut in a special appearance with Pittsburgh Shakespeare in the Parks. Honored to bring the last Pharaoh to life, she is already looking for another opportunity to play the great queen. Alternately titled Cleopatra & Antony (it's still the Shakespeare not the Shaw) this version of the play boasts an all female identifying cast and a cut which focuses more on Cleopatra's part of the famous love affair with Marc Antony amidst political turmoil.