Evil Dead: The Musical

Blood flies, limbs are dismembered, demons tell dad jokes - all set to music. Think Young Frankenstein meets Rocky Horror.

Callee takes the stage again this fall at Pittsburgh Musical Theater as they remount the campy hilarity that is Evil Dead: The Musical. In the lengthy history of this show at PMT, Miles is the first actor to take on both Annie and Shelly as the role was done in the show's stint off Broadway.

She joins the cast in the split track of Annie Knowby: archeologist, reader of ancient texts, maker of prosthetic limb chainsaws, B-Movie queen who helps save the day as her costume gets smaller and smaller for no reason because that absolutely happens in every horror movie you've ever seen. And Shelly: unapologetic bimbo who's only in this to hookup with her boyfriend and get absolutely wasted. Obviously, she dies first.

Running September 23rd-October 23rd at the West End Canopy